Baby Gift Basket Ideas
Get some great tips on Baby Gift Baskets Ideas. Making gift baskets are pretty easy. The appreciating mother will love everything in the basket. Consider making a basket for the baby and for the mother. The possibilities are endless to what to put in the basket.
The type of container can vary when making baby gift baskets. I like to use reusable containers that are generic enough to use with any theme. So ask the babies room colors and get a basic pattern that will work. If you don’t know the color of the room, go with white, grey or beige. I have also made great baskets buy putting the items in a baby tub.
Also, what you choose to wrap the gift basket up with, leaves an impression. You can use tulle, burlap, cellophane or mesh. I like to use tulle because it is elegant.
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Learn how to make a Custom Name Banner here:
- Canvas Storage Bins, baskets or baby tub
- Basket Filler or Tissue Paper
- Tulle
- Ribbon
- Scissors
Directions For Baby Gift Basket Ideas
- Determine what you would like to put in the gift basket. Like baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, bibs, blankets, onesies, bottles, pacifiers, etc. But unless you know the brand of bottles the mother-to-be plans on using, don’t over buy bottles.
Gift Basket Ideas:
- Bottles, sippy cups, toddler containers
- Baby Products: lotion, shampoo, wash, rash cream
- Burp cloths
- Bibs
- Blankets
- Hats, socks, mittens
- Wipes
- Outfits
- Onesies
- Pacifiers and teething toys
- Stroller toys
- Bath tub toys
- Hooded towels
- Stuffed animals
- Books
- Consider personalized items if you know the babies name. I embroidered these items with my computerized embroidery machine. You can also buy customized items on-line or at boutique shops.

- Try to find a container, like baskets or storage bins to store the baby gift basket items and to use for later.
- Next assemble the basket. Line the bottom of the container with tissue paper or basket filler. So if you don’t have a lot of filler, crush some tissue paper first and then top with the filler.
- Then, thoughtfully place the items in the basket, arranging so you can see the items inside. So you want to have some height, so the items are visible.
- Now wrap with the tulle, cellophane, burlap or mesh and tie with decorative ribbon. The baby gift basket is ready for delivery!
Also, It never hurts to also give a large package of diapers or wipes because you can never have too many. Instead of a card, deliver with a book to add to the child’s reading library.
For another great idea, learn how to make Music Themed Favor Bags here: