Foods That Freeze Well

Frozen spinach



These days it can’t hurt to know foods that freeze well for food prepping.  When stores have food shortages, there are winter storms or there is a virus going around, it is a great idea to stock up on foods.  The problem with stocking up, is that some foods go bad before you can use them.  We all know we can store meat for months, but what about other foods?

It is important to know what foods you can buy and make that can store for a while in the freezer.  I also like to know about fresh produce and dairy products that can last longer if they are frozen.  Produce needs some prep before going into the freezer.

I always keep a few emergency staples in case I am missing something for a recipe or I get sick and the family needs a good meal.  When life is extremely busy, having some foods that can come out of the freezer without having to make a grocery store run are a must in my household.

Consider investing in a deep freezer or convertible freezer for food storage.  A convertible freezer is one that can go from refrigerator to freezer by just adjusting the settings.  Others find just having another refrigerator with a freezer works well too.



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Most foods can store in the freezer for 6 months to a year if properly packed and stored.  So always put a food label on food you freeze and write the date.  For containers, I label with using masking tape or blue painters tape and a sharpie.

I use regular freezer storage containers or freezer bags but also consider in investing in food vacuum sealers because they eliminate air and compact food for the freezer.


To learn more about Emergency Preparedness Supplies that are non-food, click here:

Emergency Preparedness Non-Food



Food Storage Supplies

  • Freezer Bags – I prefer ones with zippers but make sure it is a freezer bag and not a storage bag.  To remove air, gently press the bag as your seal and then take a straw and suck out the air from the corner, then seal.
  • Freezer Containers – these are great for portioned make ahead meals and blanched veggies.
  • Ice Cube Trays – I recommend extra large or deep silicone ice trays that won’t crack when you are removing the food or frozen liquid.
  • Juice Squeezer – any juicer will work, this does not have to be anything fancy.
  • Stock Pot
  • Slotted Spoon
  • Baking Sheet
  • Freezer Paper


For some delicious recipe ideas, visit my Recipes section here:

Recipes on MajorGates


Produce Tips

Foods That Freeze Well


Cilantro and Parsley –  wash and dry with a clean towel or paper towels.  Then chop and pre-freeze in large ice cube trays with olive oil.

Foods that freeze well

Avocados –  be aware that the texture does change when defrosted but is great for smoothies, sandwiches, dips and my favorite, guacamole.  Slice and remove the pit and skin.  You can then slice into slices and freeze or make into mash and freeze in ice cube trays or make your favorite dip and freeze.  It is easy to defrost, just place on the counter or overnight in the refrigerator.

Lemon Juice and Lime Juice – squeeze and freeze in ice cube trays that can hold 3-4 Tablespoons.  Once frozen, transfer to freezer bags and when you one, just take it out of the freezer.  Then you can just defrost in a cup.

Lemon Juice


Onions, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Celery, Chives – You can not freeze these veggies whole, you have to chop them first.  To prep, rinse and allow to dry and then chop. Store in freezer bags with as much air removed as you can.  I take a straw and suck the air out of the corner.  You do not have to blanche these veggies if you use within two months.  Blanching preserves color, and taste, and also prevents the cut ends from turning brown.  You do not need to blanche mushrooms or chives.  So just wash, dry, chop and freeze.

If you do need to blanche veggies, bring a pot of water to a boil, add the veggies, and cook for three minutes. Scoop the sliced veggies out with a slotted spoon and put into a bowl with ice water to stop the cooking process.  Then drain and dry on paper towels before freezing.  I dry my veggies on a cookie sheet with wax or freezer paper and do a quick freeze for 30 minutes, so the cut veggies stay separated.  Then I just add them to a freezer container or freezer bag.

Mushrooms – buy whole, clean them with a moist towel.  Then slice them and spread on freezer paper on a cookie sheet.  Freeze them and then once frozen, transfer to a freezer bag and label.  Mushrooms can freeze for up to 6 months.  Mushrooms are one of my favorite foods that freeze well.

Spinach – you can freeze spinach as long as you know this spinach can only be used in recipes like soups, casseroles, smoothies or dishes.  So it can not be defrosted to make in a salad.  When it defrosts the moisture in the leaves will turn it soft, so you can only cook with this spinach.  The great news is that you can place in a freezer bag, squeeze the air out and place right in the freezer (assuming you bought pre washed spinach).

Broccoli – I like to blanche first, rinse under cold water and then dry on paper towels.  Then I do a quick freeze on a cookie sheet and once frozen, I transfer to a freezer bag and label.    Broccoli can also be in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Other Foods That Freeze Well

Shredded Cheese – bags of shredded cheese freeze very well.  So buy a few of your favorite shredded cheeses to store.

Bread – It never hurts to have a loaf of bread or two in the freezer.  Bread is a staple food that always disappears after a disaster.  But I also like to have a spare loaf when I need it but don’t feel like going to the store.  Bread thaws out pretty fast and tastes just the same once defrosted.

Butter – just wrap the sticks in foil and place in an airtight container or freezer bag.  Butter can stay in the freezer for up to a year.  When you need it, just defrost in the refrigerator overnight or quickly in the microwave on the defrost setting.

Milk – buy in the carton and pour out some from the top.  Room is needed for expansion once frozen.  Just defrost in the fridge overnight when you are ready.

Heavy Cream – freeze in 1-2 cup ice cube trays and then transfer to a freezer bag.

Tortillas – just place in a freezer bag and let it freeze.  Thaw on the counter when you are ready to use.

Eggs – you have to open the eggs and lightly scramble.  Then pour into ice cube trays and freeze flat.  Once frozen, transfer to freezer bags and label.  Buy deep ice cube trays that hold 2 eggs per cavity.

Foods That freeze well


Casseroles – any type of casserole will freeze well.  They key with freezing casseroles is to make sure you seal well, so that other flavors from other foods do not seep into your casserole.

Buy casserole dishes that transfer from freezer to oven.  I like to make casseroles and not bake them.  So all I have to do is cover them and place in the freezer.  When ready, I bake it as per instructions and it tastes like I just assembled it.

Cover the casserole first with plastic wrap and then cover with heavy duty foil or the casserole dish cover.  Just remember to remove the plastic wrap before you bake or you will have plastic melted all over your wonderful casserole.

Chicken Penne pasta


To learn more about Emergency Planning Tips, read my post about how to create an Emergency Journal here:

Emergency Written Journal Tips


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