Seasoned Buttery Rice

Seasoned Butter Rice

Making seasoned buttery rice is very easy.  It is a wonderful way to add flavor to rice and your meal overall.  This rice can be made with any white rice but for this post, I used Jasmine rice.  Seasoned buttery rice has the perfect amount of flavor with the creaminess of butter.  This is a great rice to make for family get-together’s and parties.  I love this rice in the summer and goes well with seafood, chicken, pork, beef, or by itself.  So, give it a try and watch it disappear.

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Yield:  4 cups of cooked rice

  • 4 cups of Jazmine Rice
  • 6 cups of water (add another cup if rice is cooking too fast, make sure the stove is on low)
  • 3 Tablespoons of chicken bouillon powder or Caldo de pollo
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 3 Tablespoons of dried parsley flakes


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  • Large stock pot – non-stick works the best
  • Measuring cup and measuring spoons


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Directions For Seasoned Buttery Rice

  • In a large stockpot, add in the water, stick of butter, chicken bouillon, parsley flakes, and stir.  Then bring to a boil.

Seasoned Buttery Rice

  • Once the water is boiling, add in the rice, and stir well.
  • Then reduce the heat to low and cover the pot.  Cook on low for 15 minutes.  Stir every 5 minutes.  During the last 5 minutes, if rice seems to be getting too dry before fully cooked, add one more cup of water and stir.  Then make sure the stove has been turned down to low.  Remove the pot from the burner once the timer goes off.  The rice is ready!

Seasoned Buttery Rice

Seasoned Buttery Rice

Seasoned Butter Rice

Serve with you favorite meal or enjoy by itself.

Seasoned Buttery Rice

(picture is Seasoned Butter Rice with Shrimp Creole – see my blog Recipe section for that recipe)


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